Horse Talk blog.

Polocrosse – the best life my parents provided for me

Deb on magic polocrosse

For those of you that don’t know a lot about me personally – owner and manager of Bonogin Valley Horse Retreat Debbie Burgermeister. I thought this subject would be a great opportunity to share what drives my passion for horses and keeps the excitement in life, keeps the stress away and creates an amazing family unit.

Girl Polocrosse

What other Australian foundered sport could you all play as 3 generations of family and happily travel away weekend after weekend together to share fantastic times with your horses, family and friends at any age.

Plus meet people that you will cherish lifelong around different parts of Australia.
My Dad still plays at 67 and my lovely twins will soon be on the field in subbies. This is little Keira 4yrs old

Road trip

My Dad was playing for NSW and myself QLD and we did an awesome 8 day roadtrip to perth together with the horses

The best life my parents could have ever provided for me the sport of POLOCROSSE.

Polocrosse clinics available monthly sundays with me (beginners welcome 8yrs+), contact

Check out this promotional video that says it all


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