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How to Get Started Horse Riding

How To Get Started Horse Riding Guide

Horse riding can be one of the most calming, enjoyable and addictive experiences. Not only does the rider experience that feeling of freedom and oneness with nature that only a rider can know; the rider and horse bond can be something special. It is as if the rider and the horse both know a secret that only they get to enjoy when riding!

People love riding horses for different reasons. Maybe you want to feel like a cowboy in a western movie. Reasons range from the joy and thrill of horse riding to having horse-riding friends. (Those group riding experiences are simply amazing and memorable!). Some people experience a sense of adventure when riding and some people just love the way riding makes you experience nature in a whole new dimension.

For children and the unskilled rider, horse riding can, however, be a risky endeavor – depending on the horse and the rider. That is why it is important to take horse riding lessons or learn from an experienced rider before you ride off on your own. If you are the parent to a child who loves horses and riding horses, you want to make sure your child is safe when riding and has adequate riding skills. The best way to do this is to ensure they get the best possible training on how to ride a horse.

Here is a link to the Debbie Burgermeister How To Get Started Horse Riding Guide. This guide offers valuable insight for those starting out learning to ride and is an extremely useful tool for any parent who wants to help their child start with learning to ride.

Debbie Burgermeister has a collection of beginner books that provide a step by step education pathway. Simply written and with clear instructions and illustrations helpful for both the parent and the learner.

The Giddy Up Beginner Books are your next step after the guide that will help you answer all the questions you may have on riding a horse, horse grooming, horse riding clothes, etcetera. They will also help you avoid common horse riding mistakes new riders make. What are some of the most common horse riding mistakes?

Common mistakes new riders make:

As a parent, you need to have a clear understanding of the basics of horse riding. It is only then that you can help your child learn how to ride a horse. But new learners are not just kids. Some grown-ups have a passion for horses and riding but have never had the chance or opportunity to ride. As a result, they end up taking lessons as adults. As they say, better late than never.

You should never let the lack of experience stop you from following your passion or your hobby. There are many riding schools, and a guide like this one How To Get Started Horse Riding ,is written with you in mind (whether you are a learner or a parent). With the right skills and equipment, the sky is the limit. (Perhaps I should say the trail is the limit!)

Here’s to wishing you a happy riding experience. Have fun!


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