Deb’s typical day; getting up at 5.30am for her own peaceful workout to start the day, working her horse for polocrosse, home to rush around with breakfast, shower, get kids dressed and off to school, work work work, pick up the kids, activities, feed the animals, feed the family, bath kids, read to the kids, bed, breathe and wonder where the day went, fall asleep with book in hand – sound familiar?
Life is busy for everyone with pressure from many angles, it’s really just how we decide to manage it that counts and how we interact with others. For one, it doesn’t do anyone any good to dwell on the past and it’s all about making the most of today and your future. BUT you do have to do some things so that the burden of doing everything in life does not pull you down. Starting or finishing your day with a horse can take all your worries away. This can be any age in life especially in teenage life – read on to see especially what horses have done for a young girl.
You always have to look on the bright side or look for something to be thankful for (even as simple as having the luxury of food to eat, clean water and a roof over your head), so the negatives in life don’t take over your thoughts. The love of your kids, to be strong to give them love and inspiration to grow up through life happy and healthy making good choices.
Horses naturally build a supportive community around you.
Life for Deb relies on a few key items:
- Good nutrition (vitamins, fruit and veg) and most of all breakfast
- Routines and organised shopping (online, online)
- Support of parents and husband. Grateful for time out to work her horse, play sport and remain fit
- Do something that gives you the ability to let your emotions out – sport is BRILLIANT or just having that one friend you can tell everything to or an animal that will listen to you and agree with everything you say. Deb is very competitive in the sport of polocrosse after playing for over 30yrs and most of all it’s great for the family of all ages and time away camping in the outdoors, in the bush, away from technology
Deb’s twins are really happy kids and their smile just wipes any sad or stressful feeling away. Becoming a mother was the best thing that happened. With a vision to help parents cope better with twins, sleep issues and cope with premature babies to pull through to be happy and positive.
With goals in life is to eventually slow down a tad, continue to make the most of every day with great family and friends, smile as much as possible and be thankful for your health, a roof over your head and food to eat.